Table for Two - A Book Review

Have you ever tried to walk with someone through a situation you just did not understand?

Having a friend or loved one walk through an eating disorder can produce that feeling in many people. Eating disorders are difficult to understand if you’ve never struggled with one and still seem to be a taboo topic.

In “A Table for Two” Dave and Krista lead us through the story of Krista’s eating disorder and give us the opportunity to understand from two different perspectives. Krista leads us through what it feels like to be the one struggling and through the lessons she learned and Dave helps those of us who are the helpers to see with different eyes and to learn from the mistakes he made and the lessons he learned as well.

I really appreciated the approach that the authors took in this book. It is a biblical counseling book and as such, has a high view of scripture and its usefulness in any situation. At the same time, the authors never make this mental health issue out to be just a spiritual problem, solved easily with a Bible verse and a prayer. They emphasize the seriousness of this mental health crisis and the necessity of getting help from a well trained source.

Each chapter ends with a really helpful guide for both the sufferer and the helper. Written from both Dave and Krista’s view, these questions really help both sides to review what was learned in that chapter and create further discussion.

Throughout the book, it is emphasized that no crisis should be faced alone. This book is a wonderful resource to help people walk together through eating disorders. I’m so thankful that Krista was brave enough to share her story so more people will know that they are not alone.