Episode 16 - One Anothering for Evangelism

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Welcome to Jen’s New Song.  My name is Jennifer Holmes but almost everyone calls me Jen.  I’m a wife, mom, music teacher, counselling student, and writer of all things mental health and faith.  This is season two, episode two of the podcast and this season we’re studying all the one another’s of the Bible.  You might be familiar with the verse that tells us to bear one another’s burdens, but how exactly should we be doing that?  Well, the Bible has a lot to say about it and so many practical ways we can love one another well.  You might have been following me because I talk about mental health, and I think this conversation is important in that space.  But it’s also important for those struggling to find their place in the body of Christ, those suffering, and those who want to learn to love well.  In other words, I think we all need this conversation!  The last episode was an introduction to the whole topic and if you haven’t listened to that one, you might want to go back and listen to why this topic is so important.  

We’re also going to have some interviews this season.  I’m really excited about the two people I’m interviewing next week.  I don’t want to give it all away, but if you’ve had a friend or anyone in your church struggling with infertility, I have someone to help you one another them well.  Also, are you someone who is intimidated by loving the teenagers in your church?  I going to have a conversation for you on that too.  Anyway, let’s get started on today’s episode.

Why should we have a whole season on one anothering?  The Bible talks about it yes, but is it really important enough to talk about week after week?

Growing up in a conservative tradition, one anothering was not really talked about that much.  The main emphasis was on evangelism, not on the other people already in our church.  And I’m not completely disagreeing with that, evangelism is absolutely a priority and something each Christian should be involved in.  But one anothering connects directly to that. 

Have you ever looked at a family and really wanted to be a part of it?  Maybe you had a rough family growing up or you just weren’t super close and your best friend’s family seemed awesome.  Or maybe it was just a part of that family that you wished for - being told you were loved, or the hugs, or the games, or the laughter.  

When we first moved to our new church and school I found out a bunch of the kids in the school would say hashtag sibling goals when they saw my kids together in the halls.  Before you think too much of our family, we’re also known for making fun of people that we love and showing our love by a good love tap or two.  But I was so happy when people saw our family as a good thing.  A couple of my daughter’s friends call me mom and I think that’s the greatest compliment ever.  Being part of a strong family is so important and people should want to join ours.

This is what I imagine Jesus is talking about in John 13.  Jesus has just finished washing the disciples feet.  He has served them and fed them and is now taking the opportunity to teach them some things.  I imagine the disciples and Jesus felt like family at this point.  They spent all their time together, traveled, ate, rested, and saw miracles together.  By every definition except for blood, they were family.  After Jesus serves them, He teaches them about one anothering.  Verses 34 and 35 say,

A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.  By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

In most places in the New Testament, one anothering is seen as done for the good of the body of Christ.  It’s about how we love and serve one another well.  But here in John 13, right before Jesus is going to the cross in the greatest act of love for others, He talks about one anothering for evangelism.  He says that people will recognize us as his disciples by our love for one another.

It’s so interesting to me here that it’s not love for the world He mentions.  While that is taught in many other places, it’s the love the disciples have for each other that Jesus concerns himself with here.  One of the greatest ways we show the world the love of Jesus is by showing love to each other.

This is where I really think of the family analogy.  When you were a kid, you didn’t want to be a part of the family where they all ignored each other or fought at the table, or yelled in the house.  You wanted to be a part of the family where they all loved each other.  Where it seemed to fill a hole that lives in each of us.

What if we could offer that to the world?  What if we could say, come be a part of a family that truly loves each other?  Not in a fake, we have a good “testimony” ( I wish you could see my air quotes here), but in a real way.  A serving, washing feet, loving difficult people, having hard conversations, making apologies, way.  In a, we mess up all the time but love one another anyway, way.  In a we are a family no matter what kind of way.

What if the world looked on your social media, listened to your conversations, saw how you spent your time?  What would they see?  Would they see you as part of a family that you loved?  Most importantly, would they see a family they wanted to be a part of?

The world is dying for lack of love.  So many of our social problems could be fixed by people loving one another well.  The world has lost the ability to love people more than themselves.  And I’m afraid we’ve let some of that creep into the church.  I’m afraid I’ve let some of that creep into my own life.  I don’t always take the time I should with others, I don’t always prefer my church family before myself.  I sometimes fight for my own rights and let my own hurts rule conversations.  But I will tell you one thing.  Heritage Baptist Church is my family.  Not a perfect family.  But they’re mine.  And I would hope and pray that when people see the way I interact with them, they would want to be a part of that too.

So here, still at the beginning of this season, I want to point out the words of Jesus and one of the reasons it’s important to love one another.  It’s not just for us, it’s for the whole world.  Let’s make our family the very best it can be so other people will not just feel welcomed when they come, but they will actually be looking in on our churches, longing to be a part of such a loving family.  This is the way the world will know that we are Jesus followers, because we love one another.  

Thank you for joining me today for this episode.  I’m really excited about this series and hope you are too.  If you’d like to hear from me more and get almost daily encouragement, I hope you’ll join me on Instagram or Facebook.  Just search Jens New Song.  You can find transcripts of these episodes on my website if you prefer to read the rest of the season.  My website is jensnewsong.com  I also have a free mini course available on there on the life of Elijah and what it teaches us about our mental health.

If you enjoyed todays episode and you’re excited about this series, would you forward this to a friend?  It might be a great way to start building community in your own church!  And if you’re really excited, would you go leave a rating and review in iTunes?  That’s how other people find the podcast.  Thanks everyone.  Go love someone today!